An extremely rare star chrysos of Ousanas I
Los 280
Ousanas I, circa 325-345. Chrysos (Gold, 18 mm, 2.20 g, 12 h). ΟΥCΑΝAC Β•-ACIΛЄ-ΥC Draped half-length bust of Ousanas I to right, wearing long garment, tiara and circular earring, holding spear in his right hand and with bracelets on his right arm; to left and right, ears of barley; above, pellet and pellet in crescent. Rev. ΑξⲰΜΙΤⲰΝ B-ICI ΓΙCЄΝЄ Draped half-length bust of Ousanas I to right, wearing long garment, tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring, holding branch in his right hand and with bracelets on his right arm; to left and right, ears of barley; above, star and pellet in crescent. Hahn, Aksumite, 12b. Hahn & Keck, MAKS, 15. Munro-Hay, AC, type 22. An extremely rare variety with a star on the reverse. Struck from slightly worn dies, otherwise, good extremely fine.

From the Dr. Stephan Coffman Collection.

Hahn & Keck have suggested that the remarkable star on the reverse of this coin might refer to the planet Jupiter and celebrate Ousanas' vicennalia. Interestingly, it occupies the same place as the monogram does on the chrysoi of the presumed usurper, Wazeba (see lot 289 below). Taking this into account, the star might also have been Ousanas' personal emblem, an idea strengthened by the fact that no other king repeated its use.
2500 CHF
2000 CHF
8500 CHF
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